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Showing posts from January, 2018

How to clear multi-value Lookup field using REST API

Last year, I had written a post on updating a multi-value Lookup field using REST API . When you are updating a multi-value lookup column, sometimes you would also need to clear the column. The way we can clear a multi-value lookup column is different than how we would do for a single value lookup column using REST API. For a single value lookup column, setting a null clears the value. However, for multi-value lookup column, setting a null or blank space does not work. Why? Remember, when you are updating a multi-value column, you would set an array object with the key "results". So to clear a multi-value lookup column, we need to assign the key "results" to an empty array as shown below: { "ColumnId": { "results": [] } } So if you are using REST API to update a multi-value column, do ensure to have this use case as well to clear the column.

The year gone by

The year 2017 was very hectic - both in professional and personal lives. I could not contribute much in this SharePoint blog, even though there were a lot of learning. However, I have made it a point to contribute more in 2018. I just need to do a better planning and execution. Well, at the end of this year, I'll check how far I've been able to contribute to the SharePoint community. Wish you all a very happy and successful New Year 2018!!!