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Notable changes in List in SharePoint Online

The moment you create a List in SharePoint Online there are quite a few notable changes which catches our attention. Let me provide a quick list of those changes.

AllItems View

In AllItems View, we don't see ribbons any more. Instead there is a menu which has all the required actions for a List.

Columns can be added right from the view itself. This is really useful considering it minimizes steps to create columns. We can also change the order of column display in the view by simply dragging a column.

What I also noticed is the List view has ajax implemented. If someone adds an item to the list, it automatically refreshes in my screen. I liked this feature.

List Settings

List Settings option is available under "gear icon". It took a while to figure this out. So the options available in gear icon is contextual. If I'm not in a List view, this icon will not show me "List Settings".

Versioning Settings

Now If you enable versioning, it is mandatory to set the number of versions. There is no "unlimited" versioning option.

Apply label to items

Through this new feature, one can define "retention" period for items. The options for the retention is defined by the Organization (tenant) and this can be set at List level or individual item level.

Filter pane

There is a Filter pane which provides a quick filter capabilities to the List view. This is in addition to the filter option available at individual column level.

Item Count

There is an option to show List Item count in AllItems View with a single click. This will also be an useful metric as we don't have to go to Site Contents every time to check item count.

There are some more interesting additions in SPO. I'll try to blog about those features as well.


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